Ok, against my better judgement and and in another fit of soft heartedness I have once again become the victim of a rescue cat. Yes - I say victim, because once again I have opened my home to an animal who would otherwise be homeless, even though I promised myself to take a vacation from pet ownership! Yes, I do miss Sada (previous cat) terribly, or rather I miss her companionship. On the other hand I was very much enjoying not cleaning litter, not sweeping the floor 3 times per day, not cleaning up fur balls, being able to go where I like, when I like without worry, etc.
I was lured back into
cativity by the prospect of owning a ragdoll, a lovely docile breed. The pic above is a facsimile as currently the "baby" has gone to ground and is hiding somewhere in my house in abject terror.
OH NO! One reason the previous owners surrendered the cat was that the poor thing was terrorized living in their multi-animal home; a classic case of humans putting their emotional needs/wants above the animal's welfare. The previous owners arrived with
no breeder's papers,
no veterinary records, a small tub of food and the cat's "nest". I'm sure they "loved" the cat, but love should not be confused with appropriate stewardship., having said that I recognise that life circumstances do change. They then proceeded to sit in my living room for the next 2 1/2 hours and divulge
way too much personal family information before breaking into tears as they left.
So, my hope is that this timid sweetie will
not be too terribly traumatized by the change in home environment, can confidently overcome the residue scent of Sada, and come out of hiding to live a happier more peaceful existence in my quieter home as my companion.
I'll keep you posted ....