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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Slow moving Sewer

Yes, I am a slow moving sewer (NOT a sewist, I hate that made up word!) It's January and it's snowing out there. Drats!  Now that I need to arise @ 5:45 AM each work day morning my evenings are diminishing to almost nothing. Once the cats and I are fed, the kitchen cleaned up and everything readied for the next morning I'm just too tired to do much of anything else. 5:45 is NOT my natural wake time, and that takes me to this week's WORD OF THE WEEK ...
 Chronotype - the propensity for an individual to sleep at a particular time during the 24 hour period. I have a quilting friend who, now that she is retired, has become an extreme nighthawk. She sews well into the late night, 2, 3 or even 4 am! then sleeps until noon or later. Oh how I wish!  Soon ...
So, my sewing this week is an incomplete POTC block :( . I got this far last night and stopped. I was tired and couldn't decided if the final hexies should be blue down or up. Will decide today.
That's all from me this week. Comments are welcome and easy to do - don't just be a blog browser!

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