So later in the day I'm back in the kitchen making next week's lunches & prepping dinner when I hear from the walkway behind the Forsythias, a father tell his small child "It's a dead bird - leave it! Birds eat worms, cats eat birds, dogs eat cats, that's the way of it". Well, I was somewhat alarmed so took a good look behind the Forsythias and, yep, found one dead Mr. Cardinal!!! Oh No!! Did my sweet Simone (she who can not be touched) kill a beautiful bird? or do competing male Cardinals actually kill each other? Is Simone doomed to a life as a inside prisoner this summer ?
So I've been sad all week, upset that my lovely Cardinal family barely got started. But wait!! Today as I sat in my kitchen we had 3 Robins come take a bath in the bird bath, and a new Mr Cardinal with Mrs Cardinal come for a drink - YEAH!!
I'm happy again :)
Word/Phrase for the week:
No sewing again this week - sorry. It was the Pater's 88th birthday this weekend so we took him out to dinner. Tomorrow is my sister's Bday, so another family dinner and another cake! I made a mess of the Angel Food Pineapple cake, so they're getting a Lemon cake!Melopoeia - when words are changed beyond their normal meaning with some musical property, inducing emotional correlations by sound and rhythm.