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Sunday, July 27, 2014

How does YOUR Garden grow ?

It must be all the rain we've had this season, but I've been in the garden several times this season trimming everything back just trying to keep the growth in check.... I like a neat garden 'cause I have such as small space. Looks like I will need to get at the Wiegelas again ! Did the dwarf Lilac last night, second time in 2 weeks! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining - it gives me a chance/reason to be outside in the sunshine and fresh air :) :)
I've been busy ..............
prepping for my next major project - Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC)! I need 3000 of the elongated hexies, and about another 2-300 of the connecting shapes. YIKES ! Yes, I know, I could have bought them pre-cut online from paper piecing. BUT where's the fun in that? Yes, I know, I could have gone the InkLingo route and printed the shapes on my fabric directly, thus eliminating the need for paper. BUT where's the fun in that? Call me crazy ..... I might just call myself that yet. Still contemplating a colour scheme for this one, or do I want to ad lib as I go ? hmmmmm. What do you think? A planned POTC or scrappy?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I'm so excited ...

So, I have been procrastinating BIG TIME on this project as I just didn't want to tackle paper piecing.  I got the fabric cut a couple of weeks ago, but somehow just couldn't face my fear of PP (paper piecing). I know I know - it's easy say all the PP aficionados. Yeah - right! Well, I admit to some degree of dyslexia, and PP makes me insane, or at least getting started with PP makes me intensely anxious :( .
Well, I am so proud of myself and excited - LOOK WHAT I ACCOMPLISHED YESTERDAY  :)
Yeah, I know - no big deal, don't laugh. It took me 3 1/2 hours, 2 were thrown out, and only 4 episodes of unsewing .... but I accomplished it -  all by myself, I didn't even resort to the Internet! I now have one as an example so the next 11 which should go faster - lets hope so anyway. Wish me luck!!
One more week @ work then 3 weeks vacation. YEAH. Lots on the old TO DO list. but I hope to get the sewing for this wall hanging completed. I'm on the last borders for "Sticks and Stones", that's the name I've decided on for this lap quilt, so it should be finished real soon.  Shhhhh, it's a secret retirement present for a colleague ,)


Sunday, July 13, 2014

What a Night!

So, around 1:30 am last night the driver of this car came roaring into the complex, screeching tires and driving over curbs and grass. At one point the car drove up and smashed into the front step of a specific condo unit then he jumped out of the car and ran into the condo. Well, as you can imagine all this ruckus woke me up and what followed was a fitful non sleeping night. Imagine my surprise to see the car still here this morning! Since it has no license plates there's no way to report the maniac, and I'm not sure I'm brave enough to confront the idiot, irregardless of all my BIG talk @ last week's sewing group.
Speaking of my ladies group,  we were once again subjected to one member's idea of humour. Well dear readers, you all know that I have ranted before about those people who still think it is OK to "tease" others about their body shape/size, especially if the person is thin/small. And, you all know - or should know by now that it is NOT OK. May be some people are still stuck in the 50's when that kind of  behaviour was acceptable. As usual I disregarded the person's cruel remarks but it did provoked me into some regrettable BIG TALK, bragging about how I treat soliciting @ the front door, etc. . Honest, I'm not as big a bitch as I sometimes portray myself.  Must remember to
I have been busy this last 2 weekends - I have spent them cutting fabrics for my Judy Neimeyer WildFlowers wall hanging. I also got busy and bought some card stock, did some printing which of course meant I have been doing some scissor work cutting out hexagons. Getting ready, or at least getting started for my Lucy Boston project. I am not going the InkLingo route as I want a long term hand project. I'm also doing some hand quilting - and am surprised at my progress, I'm already in the 3rd border - horrah. I've include a pic so you can see how I quilt without marking, I use masking tape.
TG for summer evenings, I've finished 2 books, Birth Certificate The Story of Danilo Kis. Somewhat hard going as it turned out to be as much literary criticism as biography, and it's been a lonnng time since I read Kis. The other book I just finished was the One Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared - a Forest Gump meets a Swedish mystery, a real good laugh!! That's all for me ... coasting till vacation time, just a couple more weeks!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Happy Canada Day !

Oh yeah. Thanks to my union I only had to take one vacation day to get a four day weekend.  See? Unions are good for something :). Next year I get two union days - oh boy oh boy!! Sat was spent helping the mater, Sunday spent house cleaning and walking the neighbourhood shouting out for a lost kitty ....
At least I can say I got some exercise this weekend ;) I was sure Simone was in the house before I went to bed Sat, but nooooo. She insists on going outside, even on super hot days, then freaks if I close the sliding door. Since it has been very hot and humid this long weekend of course I had the door closed, who wants to AC the outside! So, poor Simone (she who will not be touched) spent the night and all the next day outside!! Poor baby! Boy, did she tell me off when she finally came back home ! Monday was another run around town doing other chores, so that leaves today to relax! Woohoo ! How are you spending Canada Day ?