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Friday, July 27, 2012

Toxic people

ALWAY listen to your inner voice! Whenever I don't I always regret it. This is especially true for me this weekend! That voice has been whispering in my ear for several weeks, telling me "there's something just not right here". Did I listen ? Nooooooo. Now I find myself on my Condo Board for the next three years, and the neighbour who has been nattering at me all winter to get involved - well, she goes and resigns!
What the F_ _ _! Of course, not before she managed to argue with absolutely everyone, pushed the management company to the brink of resignation and spread her toxic stress around for all to enjoy. GRRRRRR! Another life lesson re-learned!!   ALWAYS LISTEN TO THAT INNER VOICE!

On a happier note, I'm on vacation - YEAH!! Nothing better than summer vacation, right?  Of course I have a To Do list a yard long, including lots and lots of sewing, in the daytime, in actual day light, Oh Joy! Oh Bliss! Stay tuned for lots and lots of show-n-tells coming soon :)

1 comment:

regan said...

You will be the 'voice of reason' on that condo board, and they will all delighted by anything you propose! It will be all sunshine and flowers in comparison to dealing with the you should have no problems! Enjoy the opportunity to improve your surroundings!

And I can't wait to see what projects you've worked on! Enjoy your vaca!