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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vacation Over Boo Hoo!

Geez - you wait all winter to have a few measly days off ..... The first day of my vacation it rained .... boohoo! That's ok though 'cause I promised myself to finish off my spring cleaning. HA HA HA! Well, several days later I did manage to get 2 floors of the condo cleaned and got the basement vacuumed. I did wash floors and managed to do some outside work.

I did not "clean" the laundry room - aka - get rid of much collected detrius . I did not make the summer purse I've been wanting for some time. I did not get the fabric label printed - or even get the ink in the printer yet . I did not get through 1/2 of my overly ambitious list!

I did go out for lunch, get my hair cut, make an applique roll and read 3 books. I did get to St. Jacob's with a friend for some fabulous day of quilt shows. Another day we went to Shedden for another fabulous quilt show and I learned about Geocaching, spent a fabulous afternoon at the Port. I even had me a whopping big ice cream cone! Yeah!

So, all in all it wasn't too bad of a week off ...... except I have now to go back to work. Ugh!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So, it's my spring vacation and my Lilacs are in full bloom! I usually take a week this time of year as my patience with patrons and colleagues runs thin and needs a wee rejuvenation. Next year I'll be in the thick of hanging the Invitational show for CQA's Quilt Ontario 2011, so I had better enjoy this year's vacation as next year won't be any kind of rest!
The Lilacs are gorgeous this year. I come home at night and let the girls out, Simone and Iris just can't wait to roll around on the patio. Simone is new to the patio this year and wants to wander .... so mommy sits out with them as "guard". This year I've taken to sitting on the other side of the patio, next to the Lilacs - WOW! They are planted just below my kitchen window, so when it's open that end of the house has such a lovely fragrance!
Taking a wee rest from stitching, but have started on block 6 of Tisket a Tasket. Hope to make myself an applique roll while off work - that is if I get finished with my long list of housekeeping chores. Ah well, it's got to be done!

p.s. reading my blog may keep you informed on my life but doesn't keep "us" in touch. Coments are welcome ;) And to the person(s) who keep sending comments in Japanese/Chinese .... you can STOP NOW !

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Birdie Birdie who's got the Birdie

Well, it would seem I do! I was really beginning to wonder why Simone was in love with my Caragana ... and just a wee bit worried, since it's still in flower and several large Bumblebees are buzzing around. She has discovered a Robin's nest neatly hidden in the crotch of it's newest branch. So that explains the cat's fascination, and the winged flight which freaked me the other day as I passed the tree. So, although I enjoyed a good 2-3 hours on the patio this afternoon whilst reading a fab book and sniffing the opening Lilac blossoms, I need to tread carefully around my small tree for a few weeks as Mother Robin roosts.

Spent a good part of Saturday and some of Sunday completing the binding and applying a hanging sleeve. Overall I'm very please with my results and hope mother will appreciate and even hang this one! Since I have about 2-3 weeks before this gift is due I think I will attempt to make a computer generated label - woohoo - a skills upgrade!

Today was a busy day, Sunday's usually are. Breakfast on the patio (yeah) several chapter so a good book while sunning my very white shins and forearms, a nice long walk in the neighbourhood, one dozen Banana chocolate chip walnut muffins, a pasta salad for next week's lunches, dinner and now blogging! Phew! TG next week is my last and I have one precious week of vacation coming...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ah! Spring Mornings

Is there anything better! It's so lovely to awaken to the sound of the birds chirping their hello to the day. One of the things I loved best about this home is the amount of birds. I have the usual Gracklings and Sparrows and Mourning Doves and Chickadees. I also have a plethora of Finches, red ones, grey ones, brown ones, gold ones and even, I think, one or two Zebra finches. Then there's the Cardinals and the Robins, the Red Winged Blackbirds and even a few Blue Jays. Some people hate, I mean hate being woken up by the birds. For myself I love it - I don't waken easily, but love Love LOVE waking to an avian tuneup!

No stitching to show-n-tell as this last week was devoted to tax time. Must do it three times before I catch all my errors. It's my mathematical challenge every year. I've only been wrong once in over 20 years! Not bad for a math phobic.