So, this year I finally have some time to myself to get some sewing done. Am I inspired? No, not really. Funny how that works, you finally have the time but not the inclination. So, instead I have been playing way too many computer games, I told you the machine would eat my time up, and I'm making teeny-weeny projects which are fun but not necessarily productive. Here you see the double
eye glass case I just made for myself thanks to this online tutorial by
U Handbag. I had the purse frame in my stash of craft supplies, Who knows when or where I actually bought it. I purchased the funky fabric to make a laptop case for my niece. Maybe I'll make the laptop case for myself one of these days, if there's enough fabric left!

This other item is a thread catcher from
The Stitching Room. Yes, I fancied it up a wee bit with some beading. It's small enough to go with me on quilt get-together nights. FYI, that's not a stain on the yellow batik, bt part of the fabric. It's made from scraps left over from Rachel's Star - remember that one? Well I gave it to my work colleague at his retirement party . He and his wife were thrilled! I got lots and lots of hugs for this one, and I'm very please. It was a total challenge, Rachel's Star that is, but I'm so glad I persevered. This thread catcher was also a challenge, my dyslexia got in the way several times. I won! WooHoo!
So to all those out there that think I'm nothing but a nasty bitter ole crone ... well guess what! Not so!! I have my moments, like we all do!