She's one year old!! Can you believe it? What a lucky girl.
On the home front not much else happened this past week. It's been freaking frigid cold this past week, and next week isn't forecast to be much better. I do not do cold very well, so all my energy is spent just getting to and from work! Oh to be one of those lucky retirees ! None-the-less I did manage to get my "April Showers" door hanging sandwiched and ready to quilt.
Then I stalled for lack of inspiration on how to quilt it. Not to worry, on my Sat trip to WalMart for cat food I stopped to look at one of the many quilt mags - and found my inspiration - raindrops! I'll quilt raindrops!! This should be fun :).TTFN, hoping the weather improves a bit, at least warms up some !