So, this has been another septimana horribulis, aka horrible week. It started out on Monday with
very strong winds. My neighbour's door was caught by the wind and slammed shut so hard our common wall shook violently. A piece of decorative wood which sits on top of my over-mantle (see April 1st blog entry for pic) fell, knocking over the chimney for my hurricane lamp and my electric lamp, breaking both the glass chimney and the lampshade! Above is a pic of the replacement lampshade - it is no longer a matching lampshade to it's sister lamps, :(.
By Tuesday that creeping feeling I had on Monday morphed into the cold it threatened to be .... so, two days off work being a sickie :(.
Friday evening I was overjoyed as I put the last stitch in the wedding quilt. I tore it out of the frame and laid it out on the living room floor in order to view my efforts. Opps - I really need to add more quilting to the centre applique blocks. DARN! I'm not sure if you can see it in this pic, but I have started hand stippling in the four applique blocks. I hope, hope hope this will only extend the project by a week or two, as I really really want to take it along with me to the next guild show-n-tell. It may be my only opportunity to show it off!
To end the week off, Saturday I happily drove off to one of our local quilt stores in search of binding fabric for the wedding quilt. I took along my Christmas gift card and a few of my spinning four patch blocks hoping to get some fabrics to also finish off this project.
Imagine my surprise when the clerk in the shop informed me that my gift card, which had been happily sleeping in a drawer since Xmas, was "Blank". Yup, that's right, zip, nada, nothing, zero!!! HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE??? This is a traditional gift from my sister/brother-in-law for several years now, usually with no problemos. Could she check the computer and find out how much the card was worth ? - no. Could she call the owner to see what we can do about this? - no.

I finished off the week by starting a pie carrier for my niece for the bridal shower we are holding next weekend. Here's the beginning of this project. I got the fabulous cupcake fabric at the
Ye Olde Quilt Shoppe in Stratford (cupcakes are all the rage right now). As you can see I am following a fabulous online tutorial by
Dixie Doodles. I'll take a pic and show the completed work in next week's blog entry. That is if next week turns out better than this past week, although they are calling for that four letter S word (snow), which does not bode well for our Spring flowers, YIKES!