Well, last week I chatted about reading instructions, and the lesson I re-learned was that no matter how many times I read the instructions, my AAD (age attention deficit) will kick in and I will impulsively jump in where no woman dares to go ... and end up unsewing at least once!
This week I'm chatting about other life lessons I have re-learned! This past week was
Septimana Horribilis for me (Horrible Week - for those who's Latin is a bit shy). It started off with a simple, private e-question that lead to a public "surprise" answer. OK, I have my big girl pants on, but didn't need to start the week swallowing that one. At work the next day I was again "surprised" at a committee meeting which led to added workload and another committee involvement (like I don't have enough?!) Wednesday was spent eating crow and making amends for the Monday surprise. Thursday was guild meeting where I distributed an updated Stitch-n-Bitch address/schedule. One of the participants bemoaned the list
as it didn't quite suit her ....! Lesson re-learned = NEVER volunteer to be the organizer 'cause ya can't make everyone happy (sometimes nobody)!

Also on Thursday I sent off a quick blurb about copyright and quilting (I had been asked about it the month before), only to have my submission queried. I'm pretty sure what I sent was an OK article, so the question stung a wee bit. Lessons re-learned, proof read twice (at least) before hitting send, and never never write another article for the newsletter!
Just to top the week off - this is what we woke up to on Friday ... Lesson re-learned =
Spring never comes fast enough!!

P.S.: I've heard a few people agree with me about volunteering.... The best carrot for getting volunteers and keeping them is to treat them with respect and appreciation!