Every January I spend a weekend pulling quilts from one of the 2 large shelf units I have filled with vintage quilts. I collected most of these quilts at local quilt shows, back when quilt collecting was still somewhat affordable. I have collected what
I like based on my tastes and emotional response to the textile. I have not collected a quilt based on future possible profit, or on some so-called "expert" opinion on what should be collected.

The quilt at the top of this post was my "introduction" to quilting. This
Dresden Plate was my mother's "wedding" quilt, made by her mother and quilted by the church ladies. It was always in our home, and in my teens, after inheriting that grandmother's vintage singer sewing machine and sewing paraphernalia .... I became interested - ok, ok,
obsessed with quilts!
So, anyway, every January I pull the quilts from their shelves, unfold and lay th

em out on the bed in my spare room. I usually leave the quilts for a month or so, protected from the morning sun and the cats. In this way they "unfold" and when the month is up I begin the process of refolding - in a different pattern - so I don't get permanent creases in my collection! On the right is a 1930's
Double Wedding Ring. I don't think it was ever used as the colours are nice and bright (for pastels) and in very good condition. I love the red!

On the left is a 1930's yellow
Basket quilt, you can tell by the feedsack fabrics. And on the right is another
Basket quilt, this time divided by blue lattices. I also it's circa 1930's because of the fabrics.

Next we have a
Tulip quilt. I inherited the blocks from a friend of a friend's grandmother - or some such such connection I can't quiet remember anymore. Anyway, I was some what reluctant to complete this quilt top as the person who made the blocks used a stiff polished cotton as the background, and no matter what I do - when washed it wrinkles like mad and needs to be pressed, which is kinda weird for a quilt - but what can ya do ...

And on your right is a
Kansas Star quilt top. The top was hand pieced, and after repairing some of the seams I patiently hand quilted this beauty myself. I'm rather proud of the fact that I have actually completed one of the many vintage quilt tops that I own!

BTW, if anyone out there enjoying this quilt show has other names for these quilts I'm showing please feel free to leave me a comment with this info. I base my quilt names on Barbara Brackman's
Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns . Above is a
Lone Star. It's lovely, but stained. HOW'd THAT HAPPEN??? Did I buy it that way ? or did one of my feline beasties do something nasty and not tell me??

This blue and white
Pinwheel to the right is another quilt I'm extremely proud of. I made this one back in the days when I was still producing large quilts. I wasn't too much concerned (or aware?) of piecing techniques, hence many a lost poi

nt ... but hey, the result is something pretty anyway! Of course it is hand quilted - and if I do say so myself,
heavily quilted!! I added the pink inner border as I thought the blue & white alone was too boring.
On the right is a lovely fan quilt - circa - hmm, I don't really know, but my quess if anywhere from 1940's-1950's. How do I know??? Again, my information source is
Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960 by Eileen Jahnke Trestain.
This one to our left is a
Bethlehem Star (?) I think. Based on it's condition I'm guessing it was used and is from the 1900-1930's. Some of the fabrics are somewhat delicate, but it still shows rather well and has a great "hand" being nice and soft.
Below is an
Autograph or
Signature quilt I purchased at an antique store in Port Perry. It was one of those "got-to-have"s... Even with no autographs!

Here's more
Dresden Plate quilts. I kinda fell in love with this pattern (sorry I hope I don't bore you with lots of Dresden Plates). There's just something about the pattern that I just adore! It must be the pastel colours.
And another
Double Wedding Ring. This one was purchased for a realllly good price at a silent auction at the GoodWill!!! Yes ladies - you can get bargoons there if you're on the lookout!

I think this pattern is referred to an
Wheel of Fortune. I really can't remember where or when I purchased it. I would guess it's from the 30's as I suspect it ha

s feedsack fabrics . The
Tree of Life on the right I also suspect is from the '30's. This time I'm basing that guess on it's provenance. It came to me through an aunt who had a friend, who had a friend who knew an old lady who died .... etc. etc. Sad way to acquire something beautiful, but maybe she's resting in peace knowing her hand made quilt is treasured by another
Here I have a
BowTie quilt. It's the only one in my collection(that I know of) but then this is only 1/2 of the collection .... Again I think its from the 1930's/40's based on the fabrics.
Below is a damaged
Indian Trail, least I think that's what it's called. Someone had an unfortunate accident and there are small blood stains in various spots. It was cheap probably 'cause of the stains. I purchased it as an example of a pattern I'm sure I'll never get to ....

To finish off this portion of my "Quilt Show" I have two utility quilts. On the left is a freebie 1930's
Butterfly applique quilt. I admit to spending o

ne whole month many many February's ago re embroidering the black blanket stitch, and replacing some of the butterflies. A friend found this one for me at a church rummage sale - you never know where great quilts will turn up!
On the right is a simple patchwork - no particular pattern name that I am aware of, but I liked it for the wonderful
Baptist Fan hand quilting!
So, that's my Quilt show for today, Hope you enjoyed it. Next month, if I'm on schedule and still enthusiastic you might get to see the other half of my "quilt collection".