Well, it could be that I was truly inspired - yeah, that's right, inspired! Aha! The one guild's challenge is anything to do with Elvis. Hmm, ok, I'm a wee bit young to have experienced Elvis, but I do remember my aunt taking me to see the movie Blue Hawaii .
I do a search on Amazon and find just the perfect Hawaiian quilt book. It appeals to me for multiple reasons, one being that the proceeds go towards the Hawaiian Humane Society, the other being the lovely cat pictures ... (No, there will be no cat in my wall hanging!) So, I order the book through my local University bookstore and it arrives just before Xmas - wohoo! Again, so far so good. I get started doing the applique in the New Year and dutifully work away stitching this thing together.

Now, if only I could get the cat to stop nagging me to "play with me mommy - play with me" or "please mommy, let me sleep on your lap" I might - just might get the quilting done - of course it will be covered in cat hair - but it may just get done!
Wish me luck ladies ~~~