Always loved this pattern of community in the round. Thought her use of background colour was interesting.
This one block wonder with a panel in the middle is another one of Jacqui's. She's so creative! Lovely mix of colours. Gives me more ideas for that OBW project I have in the back of my mind;)
Some more inspiration with the layout of this Dresden Plate - almost modern :). Uh huh - liking it!

Here's another of Lorna's works (least I think it is her's) this time with hexies! Yowza!!

A couple of kids quilts from Beth. So whimsical. Too bad my kids quilts days are over as I so love this pattern. If you look close you'll
see they are not identical. I think Beth had fun making these ;)
Another whimsical quilt - from Barb I think. Again, love the colours !

Not sure who's sampler quilt this is. I usually don't like sampler quilts but thought this was an effective use of B&Wand love the piano key border!
And rest your eyes on this lovely Taupe wonder by Linda. She's really into Yoko Saito's patterns and makes such gorgeous quilts!
Must finish off with this beauty, one of three displayed at the show. This lady (sorry don't know her name, she's newish to the guild) does marvelous fabric art landscapes on board.
Hope you enjoyed a few of my picks from our LFQG's Quilts For All Seasons 2018 quilt show!TTFN