Simone has discovered her basket .... finally! "
She who can not be touched" has been secretly sleeping outside my bedroom door all winter and I only just discovered this. I'm told that Siamese cats are very loyal. It makes me happy that she wants to be near me, even if she won't let me pet her. Now that
SPRING has SPRUNG (yeah!) she's outside as much as possible and loving it! So am I ! Oh joy oh bliss :).
So I decided to make a carrot poke cake for Easter dinner - a new recipe - from scratch - using Biscuit. Looked lovely, smelled lovely - tasted God Awful!!! :(. So it spice cake for us, luckily I had a mix in the back cupboard!

I've been quilting, and managed to finish the last block - WooHoo!!! Now, since no one answered my plea for hints or advice, I jumped in and started quilting the lattice strips. Since I refuse to mark this quilt it is all eyeball work - ok, not exactly, I'm using pins to give me an indication of where I want to quilt. I'm doing X's. Not evenly spaced and I don't care, as the whole quilt is "liberated hand quilting". I figure it may take me well into May to complete the lattice and border
quilting, then the binding. So I'm hoping for a June 1st finish!! Wish me luck!

One of my colleagues at work has been nagging me about the Cardinals on my bulletin board, saying I'm the reason Spring is late and she needs to see something Springish on my board. She's right, I desperately need new hangings to post at work. I vow to myself that as soon as Felines and Flutterbies is done, I will alternate my Xmas sewing (got to do that in the summer or it will never ever get done!) with a few new wall hangings FOR ME for work ! We'll just see how long this resolution lasts, my "I'll not buy fabric this year" resolution didn't ....
Not sure what I'll use these fat quarters for - but I'm sure something will come to mind ;)