Did You? Well did you? Come on - fess up. Did you get up in the wee hours and watch the royal wedding? I had absolutely no intention of doing so, but my aging bladder woke me so what the heck, I was up anyway .... What does this have to do with
Piecework? Well, interestingly enough - this month's focus is Lace, and there is a lovely article about
Carrickmacross Lace. I believe Kate's wedding gown had some handmade
Carrickmacross lace. Nice coincidence. This is my first year subscribing to Piecework.
I heistated with this subscription, they had a real problems getting my address correct, and that was even before I received the first issue! None-the-less, I have enjoyed the issues since that start-up problem, which I blame on an incompetent employee. The editors, on the other hand, obviously know what they're doing! The first issue had an article about Russian Lace Shawls and the history of Silk, the second discussed natural dyes for Reds, Purples ad Blues. The third issue talks about historical knitting and now an issue on lace. Combines two great interests of mine... history and handwork, what can be better!

And not to make this an Interweave free advertisement, but here's my other subscription's recent issue ... another great magazine. Although, I must admit I spend more time examining the pics than reading the articles! Too busy with CQA/ACC
Quilt Ontario 2011 planning/organizing ... It's coming soon!!!!