I don't know about you but I'm always invigorated at the start of a new year or a new project. A couple of years ago I discovered the sweetest book ever - with a beautiful white Persian cat. Well of course it took my fancy and I had to have it. I now us

e it to hold my list of UFOs, WIPs, and Wanttabes as well as clippings of fabulous quilts other have done which I find inspiring. So, now that it's the new year I really must sit down, look through my binder and determine this year's projects! I see I did manage to complete one wannabe items from last year - TaDa!!!! I actually finished the sewing room cross stitch! I think someone gave me this as a giftee (can't quite remember), none-the-less it cried out to me. I started it early last January and finished it before the new year this year! Woohoo! Now I really need to decide if I will frame it or not, and if I do where on earth will I hang it?

What else did

I do on my two (2) weeks vacation? I finally, yes finally made myself a rotary cutter carrying case! I used up scrap strips from the last baby quilt, - Robyn Pandolph's C

anadian Cottage fabrics. I even managed to insert a magnetic closure! Well, I still had some leftovers ... so waste not want not ... I made a matching thimble holder and a needle case. Take note - the wee scissors have a scissor charm and the thimble holder has a thimble charm - how clever of me - don't ya think?
So how about this new year? Well, once again I promise myself to NOT BUY FABRIC (ins

ert uproarious laughter here) - except that gift certificate I got for Christmas ....
If I enter the guild president's challenge this year I promise myself to
NOT COME IN THIRD (to the person out there who doesn't "get it" that's called having a competitive spirit and wanting to better yourself -
not complaining! -
You know who you are...)
Anyhoooo that's all for me so far this new year! My Tisket-a-Tasket is on the frame, so you'll be seeing it soon. My other resolutions this year is to NOT take any commissions, to have fun at the CQA Quilt Ontario 2011 conference and to NOT STRESS OUT!