I love
McKenna Ryan I've purchased and made many of her art quilts for some time now. Wish I was that artistic

! I mean that's what interested me in quilting in the first place, but sady I can't draw a straight line :(. Anyway, I"ve had her
Morning News series for about three years now, and finally, yes finally got one done!
Yeah me! It's not that they take all that long .... although they are a lot of prep work. It's that darn other
To DO list - you know, the one that includes requests from everyone else, it always gets in my way! OK, enough excuses, it's really the machine quilting which puts me off. However this time I have one machine quilting course under my belt, and a plexiglass extender table (helps a lot) and a wee bit more confidence.
I used invisible thread in both top and bottom and outlined all, yes all appliques then got fancy doing some veining in the leaves. One down, two more to go!

Yes, I was "shopping" during my vacation and picked up these fat quarters -

I love fat quarters as they build your stash so quickly and provide the variety I like and need for my applique. I hang a clear plastic bag over the door in my sewing room and stash (pardon the pun) all my fat 1/4s there until I have enough to wash. Then of course there is the dreaded ironing, sorting and stashing away. Ain't life a B? I finished up the thimble holders for my quilt guild's "toonie" table - tutorial available on previous post. Here's a pic. I'm using a photo holder stand to display them. Here's hoping the quilt show visitors will love them as much as I do and buy them all up! Now maybe, just maybe I can get my fabric postcard and the other two McKenna's done in time for show. Wish me luck!