So, here I am sick - AGAIN! Knew my chest was tight and my breathing was bad but put it down to seasonal allergies. Wrong, instead I have contracted another of my infamous chest infections/colds from HHHH. Argh! So I've been out flat on the couch for four days ... and the weather is phenomenally wonderful - just my luck! Tuesday the Forsythia didn't even have a bud on them, so during one of those rare half hours when I wasn't coughing my brains out I went out and trimmed them. By Saturday morning they were in full bloom. Woohoo! My Daffodils are up but not yet flowered and I can see the Peonies just breaking through the ground. My Weigela bushes at the front are budding and I have seen Robins and Red Wing Black Birds and even a pair of Gold Finches - so spring has definitely sprung!!

Above is mother's Easter wall hanging, now proudly displaying on her front door. I had planned/arranged to cook a turkey dinner for Easter (Saturday) for myself, mother and her friend and the two nephews. We held dinner at mother's 'cause her apt is better suited to dinner "parties" than my condo! As is her way mother whined for a good two hours because I/we didn't invite my niece and her partner. Being sick anyway I am glad I didn't as I barely got through the setting the table, cooking the meal, doing all the serving and cleanup, then driving everyone home! By the time I got home I was totally totally exhausted and collapsed. Why did I bother ? GOOD QUESTION!
Went to dinner and a movie - White Ribbon - with two friends on Monday night (before getting sick). Would have been a good experience overall if it hadn't been for the
old COOT in front of us. The movie had NO sound track, was in B&W and had subtitles. The movie had just started and we were discreetly whispering to each other once or twice as we attempted to figure out who was who and what was what. The
old COOT in front was truly obnoxious demanding that we "Be quiet ....We weren't at home in our living room" and that there was "nothing to laugh at" (my friend had giggled quietly when he said the "not in your home living room" bit). OK - one can and should expect a level of quiet at the cinema, I give him that, but there is also a polite way to ASK - and he was NOT polite! I do not feel at all guilty that his movie experience was interrupted. Tolerance of others while in public is not just a nicety it is a necessity! Ask nicely next time ....
Well, not much else on the home front. Not much of a productive week. Here's hoping for continued great weather and better health ...