Sorry for missing a week or two, I was busy with a visit from a childhood friend! I spent two weeks cleaning my brains out trying to get rid of winter's accumulated detritus and cat hair ... I got rid of two bags of older clothes and one of kitchen stuff. I can officially say I have almost completed my spring cleaning. Only two more rooms and the basement and windows, and it isn't even Easter yet. WooHoo! Of course my friend wore black corduroy and black velour so all the cat hair remaining in the house was instantly drawn to her as if I had never cleaned!!! ARG!
I think it was T

homas Wolfe who said "You can't go Home again" .... Although I
loved having her (I don't get too many visitors) and it was great catching up in person (not via email, facebook or blogging) it seems our lives have diverged. Afterall she's a SAHM and housewife while I'm a SWL (single working lass). I continue to find it interesting that although I understand
her lifestyle, most SAHM continue to think my life should be exactly like Sarah Jessica Parker's in
Sex in the City .
NOT!!! So, after answering way too many questions about my love life and my financial choices (I choose to pay off my mortgage ASAP and prepare for my upcoming retirement, and NOT live on credit, which means I will not be travelling soon), I can honestly say I was glad to get back to work where nobody bothers to ask anything ;) None-the-less I was totally
THRILLED to have her here, it was tres fun walking down memory lane and can't wait for another visit..
What else have I been bus

y with you ask? Well, the

re are now three of us in the Tisket Tasket challenge. I'm calling us the 3Cs, for obvious reasons. Block two and three on either side and block four is well on its way - YEAH! Of course the challenge is to have four blocks completed by the April guild meeting. I'm sure I'll make it! But then again mother has asked twice now for a spring hanging for her front door. Uhoh, I'd better get busy! Here's row one for my challenge group ... eat yer hearts out heeheehee.

P.S. After several stimulating e-conversations I have come to understand that not everyone rejoices in the term SAHM (all the blogs I read glory in it, so you'll have to forgive my skewed POV). In future we shall use the term CFOW when referencing CB. Slowly, yes slowly I creep towards an understanding of life, mine, theirs and others.