Well, it was totally disappointing, the three Orchid buds dropped off - one by one. :( :(. Guess I don't have as green a thumb as I thought. Anyone out there have any suggestions for next time - if there are any fresh Orchid buds? It's been quite a couple of weeks. I managed to wreck the screen of my 10 yr old laptop, thus leaving me with a 1/3 flickering screen display. Most annoying. Now I have a new laptop, Windows 10, and a new keyboard, so bear with me if you see any typos while I become accustomed to the new keyboard.

I've been busy cleaning/downsizing which for me involves going through all my drawers, cupboards and closets and making decisions to keep, donate or sell. Fun and exhausting at the same time. Yesterday I went through the linen closet, filled with my and inherited or collected linens. I discovered so many doilies, tea cloths and cutwork/lace table cloths. Too many to keep, not all in the best of shape. I also discovered the new sheers I bought (years ago) for the dining room. Just in time as one of the old ones has a tear which can not be disguised. So I got busy and made a rod pocket, got them hung up only to discover they are 1/2" too long !!! Darn it! They will have to do until later this month when I can re-sew the rod pocket.
I've made 4 trips to the Goodwill since my downsizing began and have quite a collection of antiques/collectibles put aside I hope to sell off. All this has kept me from my normal house cleaning, so 3 weeks ago I researched online then called and booked a cleaner for Aug. This past week I called 3 times and sent 2 emails attempting to confirm the appointment only to finally receive a message saying I don't have a booking with them ! REALLY! YIKES ! I have a dozen ladies coming over for afternoon tea next week ! Well, Julie from
Daytime Domestics fixed me up and I have a cleaner coming next week. YEAH. Should be interesting as this is my first time having cleaners.

I have also been busy attempting to catch up to my Canada 150 Quilt-Along ladies. Since I only print out the instruction page I am not attempting to match fabrics to the woman featured for that block, just using what I think will look good. Each block is red and white, with a variety of reds. I have decided to be liberal in my choice of whites, and am including red & whites, creams, and lots of script fabrics. I'm rather glad I started this project, even if I am waaaaay behind as it is re-teaching me the basics of block construction, and I am re-learning accuracy. I'm up to block 37 now, which puts me at week 12. Those who were able to keep up from the start are on block 110 ! so I have a long way to go yet :(. I also finished off three more bibs and one more key wristlet for our group's charity sewing. Look out - I'm on a roll!!
Of course also last week was the annual anniversary sale at our
local quilt store. All was going great and I was picking up many fabulous fat quarters and was able to use more of the gift certificate I got at work for my retirement. Just as I was about to leave I saw the perfect backing fabric for one of the 7 vintage quilt tops I "found" in my blanket box ! Too bad the staff person @ the store had to make a scene because I asked how much I should buy for a double bed size backing - a reasonably normal question at a quilt store and one
she should be prepare to answer. Some people :(. Luckily the store owner had more couth, provided the answer I sought and in the end I got 10+ fat quarters and a new backing all of which cost me less than $5.00 !! Not bad .
I have not forgotten my Lucy Boston but have no pic to share as I am back into prepping hexies for the in-between joiner blocks. Not exciting.