Oh joy oh bliss, it's Sunday and it's sunnnnny :) My garden has been so
beautiful this year, and I am sitting outside enjoy the fruits of my
labours. The dwarf Lilac bush was gorgeous this year but it was so rainy I missed most of it. Somehow I wrecked my back last week and spent several days on the couch. None-the-less, I managed to crawl outside and pick a few pink Peonies :) :). I am soooo glad I planted them, even though the Peonies and the Lilac fight for room in the garden and are determined to push each other out of the way. My wee garden must be doing something right as I had a beautiful visitor last night,
I knew they were around (Gold Finches) but all I ever usually see are the Sparrows, Gracklings, occasional Cardinal and Red Winged Black bird. Not to leave out the front garden, I posted a pic on FB and friends told me what I've got - apparently it's Spiderwort!
I have managed to get a wee bit done on the quilting front ... the flutterbyes (butterflies) are all sewn down, I have replaced the ravelled bottom to the mother & kitten (bottom right) and re-sewn all the bottom seams I opened to insert the greenery. Now I guess I have a wee bit more applique for mother & Kitten, then some embroidery and I'm ready to, dare I say it, quilt it!
Just a wee bit more sewing, it's the mater's 86th birthday this weekend, so I've made her a new purse cover .... White with Black & Red , and the reverse is a Turquoise & White print. Rather like this one :)
I have to admit I have also had some success in the kitchen this week - I made Minestrone soup. I know, I know, for all you domestic Divas out there - what's the big deal? Well, I'm no domestic diva ... far from it actually, but have decided to try one new recipe per month, and am always surprised when it's a success! and yummy :)
That's all for this week, hope your past week was as great as your future week will be:)