Well, the sun has finally graced us today. When I finally get this post complete (Rogers so-called Wireless is once again being a
royal PAIN) I will go for a wee walk. Above is this month's fabric postcard, and I'm proud to say looks not half bad considering it all came from my scrap basket! What else have I been up to ?? Below is a wee purse/pouch thingee I made for our upcoming conference (we, the LOC are all making one). The mesh pocket will hold a conference name tag, and the colours are meant to match our conference,
Quilt Ontario, logo colours. I chose to do some beading in the shape of leaves, as our "theme" is tree related, and we're doing leaf baskets for the door/table prizes.

Other than that I am trying to relax, stay sane and not beat myself up for another episode of retail therapy. I know I know - it's my $$ so I can do what I want, but I had promised myself the last time to never, never do it again. HA! Ah well, that's what income tax rebates are for - right?