For all you readers out there anxiously awaiting news of Simone - the cat in the basement .... We've had a breakthrough !
Yes, a real, honest to goodness breakthrough. Simone has - voluntarily - come upstairs into the main part of the house! Last Friday when I arrived home from work - there she was - Ta Da! Just as nice as you please. She moved around various locations in the living room and finally settled under the kitchen table for the evening where she could contentedly watch me doing my kitchen chores. She seemed quiet happy and, knowing how food driven she is I naturally rewarded her behaviour with a variety of treats. I now know Simone does not like yogurt!
So, thinking that she had finally come out of her shell (silly me) I naturally ran downstairs and put the basement room back into human order (aka I put the loveseat back down on t

he floor from it's up ended position). So, naturally when Simone retreated to the basement once more and found the loveseat horizontal she immediately reverted back to her old ways and proceeded to hide UNDER THE COUCH for the next 3 days! Post weekend I did manage to get a play reaction from Simone as I patiently dangled a fur ball in front of her for close to an hour. Yes - an hour ... none-the-less this too was a great leap forward in that she
PLAYED with me = interaction with the human!
Well, as usual, my personal schedule has been totally insane this last 2 1/2 months, and I'm at the end of a very long 3 week stretch, so haven't had any where near as much time with
poor baby in the basement, but I've been worrying about her. Much to my very great surprise and delight didn't Ms Simone come upstairs this morning whilst I was breakfasting. Whoopee!

Simone wandered about briefly and snarled loudly at Iris who meekly retreated upstairs and pouted. Simone then made the rounds of the living room, jumped up on a chair then onto the table to look out the window then looking back at me she discovered I was eating oatmeal! That means there will be leftover milk! Smart kitty that she is Simone then leapt down from the table and waited patiently at my feet for the dregs of my Scottish breakfast!
Progress at last!!! Maybe - just maybe by Xmas, when I can be home for several days in a row, maybe just maybe she'll come upstairs permanently?