Yes folks - we have a winner!!! Not the first prize I was hoping for - but still a winner! This piece is for the challenge in two of my guilds. The appliqued fish around the outside and in the very center are fussy cut from a piece of Laurel Burch fabric, the challenge from my first guild, and the fish theme is meant to represent
Blue Hawaii since the theme from my second guild's challenge is anything Elvis!
It was meant to be a real Hawaiian quilt, but I have to admit that I cheated somewhat, and it's not all made out of one fabric ... none-the-less it is pretty much all a mirror image of itself. What you can't see in the pic is the amount of beading that I put on this. I also wanted to do something with tulle and angelina fibre, and a lot more echo quilting - but simply did not have enough time!!! (who does). As it is I did hand applique, hand bead and hand quilt, but the quilting pattern was circles - to represent bubbles in the ocean!
My other "win" this week was with
BMO, or more specifically with a particular male employee who did not understand the word NO and got a much needed lesson. I made a formal complaint which I am happy to say was taken seriously and handled well by the local area manager. It's not that I'm vindicative, but as I explained to the area manager - I'm old enough now to
not accept passively when I am disrespected or mistreated. So, for all you ladies out there, and that includes my mother, who think "
Oh, just let it go" WRONG. If you let it go then the next woman gets dumped on, and the next and the next... etc.