Always wanted to take a pic of my feet ;) so since I'm sooooooo bored here's my cat socks :) ! I've been sick/down and out for the count since the last week in January. What started out as a simple cold turned into a respiratory flareup complicated by Influenza A, a 5 day hospitalization and more weight loss!! Haven't been this ill or in the hospital since I was 6!
NOT what I was anticipating for the start of my retirement :(. Too much stress lately - need to relax!! It has certainly given me a scare and a new perspective on why/how the Flu is so dangerous for us older folks. Shall be taking better care of myself in future!

Lots of cards, flowers and calls from friends and family which is much appreciated and heart warming. I'm still on the couch in the living room and trying to not stress out over the huge
ToDo list not getting done :(, leaving most of it to mon soeur and mon step soeur to accomplish. The pater has also had his challenges this month with at least 2 trips to the hospital :(. Adjustment to retirement home living is not going smoothly. The family home has been sold and remaining furniture goes to auction soon. Here's hoping things run more smoothly soon as my sister & her DH are off for a month's vacation in March to Portugal! So now we just need to get everyone healthy again so we can relax and enjoy an early spring!
Before getting sick I managed to make a start at the Canadian Women 150 quilt along.
So, I have 6 blocks done out of 41 - YIKES ! I'm way behind!! The FB page is lovely but somewhat discouraging for me. Oh well, something else to look forward to.
Saturday was my great niece's 3rd birthday. Luckily I had a pink princess and a pink pony Bday card to send down to her - it was a big hit as princesses are her current obsession ;) Apparently she carried it around all day!
And her brother William also got dressed up for the ocassion !
Of course I'm biased ;)