So - guess what I spent my weekend doing :) ? Learning/re-learning life lessons and making purses ... I learned that some people think it appropriate to foist their food choices on others (yuck). I learned that my family issues aren't unique, communication aka respect, or lack thereof, are ubiquitous. And I learned that I definitely
CAN'T READ INSTRUCTIONS!I think my grade 1 teacher correctly identified this life issue of mine and she was correct!

Knowing my predisposition to
jump right in ... I spent two separate evenings reading the instructions for the Simplicity pattern above. Amazingly enough - that didn't help! I still managed to make three important mistakes - and consequently did three sessions of unsewing.

I also left two important items out, a key ring and the bag bottom, and forgot the "hint" I was given before I started = DO NOT USE
elastics, as instructed.

Never mind, I learned, and I did get the project completed and am reasonably happy with the results. Above is the inside black bag over which you can attach either the brown Haida print, or the funky pink & turquoise outer bag. All in all I am happy enough with the results to offer a bag to mother and to plan another bag - or two - for myself!
Woohoo!Have a great week everyone!