To all my friends and readers at sea ... no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, but have been laid low by this nasty Flu bug that's been going around this winter. In my case it immediately turned into pneumonia, leaving me weak and feverish and miserable for the past three weeks.
The good news is I'm on the mend and feeling semi normal again, except for the pain in my shoulder. Did I tell you I wrecked my rotator cuff just before Christmas attempting to hang a door into the laundry room so Sweetie Pie (Iris is her real name) would not be able to "explore" in the nether regions down there! As I was falling off the step ladder I did wonder why I had attempted to do such a silly thing all by myself... So now its expensive physio for me, while Sweetie Pie sleeps obliviously upstairs in warmth and comfort!
Oh yes, I must also tell youse (sic) all about the "dangers" of person to person adoption. I did suspect there was definitely something lacking in their story when they appeared with the cat and no breeder records to confirm she was, as they claimed, a Ragdoll. I now strongly suspect, based on her personality more than anything else, that she is in fact a Himalayan and not a Ragdoll. That's ok - she's still a beauty!
I did also strongly suspect there was definitely something else lacking in their story when they appeared with the cat and no veterinary records. Iris has now been for her first, expensive, vet checkup. She has a broken molar, needs her teeth cleaned (bad breath and all), and an eye infection which may be Chlamydia or maybe Herpes. Once the eye infection is cleared up (keep your fingers crossed that we are able to clear it up, she will then have her teeth cleaned and all her shots, as I suspect she has not had any!!!

Never mind. I'm an adult and made the conscious choice to adopt this cat as part of my family, so it's now my responsibility. This past weekend a friend and I attended a local vintage sale in the mall, where I was tempted into purchasing a coffee pot for my good china. Why I'm not sure as I don't drink coffee ..... but I liked it! So add that to my expenses for this month and I'll stop wondering why I'm always broke! Ha!
Took a day off work mid month for a so-called all day quilt workshop. Now I have 1/2 a quilt top on my design wall. It was supposed to be completely random lights and darks, but I chose to plan the randomness. I must admit it looks lovely but is much smaller than I had anticipated - so now must become creative with some borders. I was wonderfully surprised at our last guild meeting when one of my sister quilters gave me 9 BMO patterns which make up Maggie Walker's Cats in the Garden quilt! I'm thrilled to bits as I have always wanted to make this quilt. So many quilts and definitely NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!

TTFN, and don't hold your breath - but someday you'll actually see my version of the cats quilt!